De-construction of the Glam-World

A filmmaker would say “Jo bikta hai, wo banta hai”. A film maker like Dibakar Benarjee says, “The audience mind has been corrupted to what I called Emotional pornography. Porno has that comeshotand you are building up to it. Similarly ye Emotional pornography hai. Ke BH**C**D har wakt kuch na kuch hona chaiya.”

Moving further with the discourse on films, a question what do films do? They reflect the societal realities, they entertain etc are the most generic answers you will get. No one will ever say, and I am talking about the people in this business, that films make money. Big Money!! So, the question how they make money? It makes money through distribution channels like cinema hall releases, music sale, overseas collection etc. But who pays that money? It’s the audience. And why will they pay money to see which someone else has made? To be entertained! So far so good! But let’s try to see another aspect for films, especially in context of commercial films.

Talking about main stream commercial cinema, Bollywood (and basics would remain same for all other industries across the globe), there is no doubt that a film will in some way or the other reflect societal realities. Real happenings are the biggest inspiration for films! Even in Sci-Fi’s we get to see the real life in combination with UFO or whatever (look carefully the UFO are just a distorted human being). But an important factor, why films are making money, why people become die hard fans of film actors (idolizing them) while they are simple human beings like you and me is, FILMS SELL DREAMS!!” Believe it or not, they do.

The flawless skin of actresses, the glow on the back of their hair, almost like the aura of God, is all created my dear friend. Such things don’t exist in reality. Have you ever noticed it even in the most beautiful girl or woman you ever came across??? Then, the macho-men flaunting their six pack abs, surely is not a social reality. (No offense to anyone and everyone who has worked so hard to get them. I wish I had one myself!!) But what I am getting at is, films are made and not merely shot, made in a way to appeal to the audience. Normal life, we all know is boring, so people go to watch films or listen to a radio etc for entertainment. And as far as that purpose is being fulfilled, almost everything is justified. So, I hope I make sense when I say films sell dreams. A guy will like to have a girlfriend who looks like Madhubala or Priyanka Chopra. A girl will like to look like Madhubala or Priyanka. A girl will like to have boyfriend like Hrithik or Saif. A guy will like to have a six pack. But are these realities or are these our wants and desires? This is what selling dreams is, not the ones we feel when we are asleep, but the ones we aspire for. Of course there can be exceptions, in terms of people as well as films and I will, with an open heart, accept them.

Now, mind it, simple plain hard work and back straining effort is what goes into making a film. And it’s so easy to criticize them. Sitting like a lazy bum and writing articles will not change anything. So, my aim here is to get behind the process of filmmaking and not ridicule it.

Film screen is a 2D surface on which a 3D world is presented. Hence, third dimension has to be created, which would exist either in our mind, or in our interpretations. This can be achieved mainly by two techniques: one by creating a feeling of actual depth in the picture and second by creating a make believe world in itself. Creating depth can be achieved by placing a person nearer to the camera and the other farther away, which will build a feeling of distance between the two and hence a 3rd dimension. The second technique is creating a complete world in itself, which mean a space and time where most things happen according to a set pattern or rule. Eg. In a sci-fi movie like the matrix, things don’t happen as in our world, but according to the backdrop which have been created in the movie and created so effectively and precisely that we believe it while at the same time enjoy it. In addition to this, films have numerous shots like the close up, mid shot or a long shot and a lot of their variations. The camera keeps hopping, showing us different perspectives of the characters and the environment, but there is not time loss in the process. Hence “The Camera” is an omnipresent eye of the director.

Now we know a film is seen from the point of view of its director. But, it is interpreted according our own and a lot of research goes into finding what will gratify the audience and how. Example a horror film is to be made. Then, what is the most effective way to do so? How will the film invoke the feeling that the filmmaker wants in the audience? A few simple techniques are to keep a dark background, use dreadful looking figures and put creepy soundtracks. But, these are just the ingredients. A filmmaker should know how to mix them and in what measure. It is similar to cooking a meal; proper ingredients in required quantity will give a delicious meal and vice-versa. Similarly facts like, inserting silent track before a particular horror sequence to invoke superior reaction by catching the audience off guard, will be used. All these little little facts have to be researched and the best way to present them zeroed down.

Last but not the least, one crucial thing to understand is the fact that we don’t see the action which happens on screen. I repeat we do not see the action that seems to be happening on the screen. Rather, we see an action which was captured by the camera but is now being projected. The action could have happened 50yrs ago, but the power of the medium is such that we feel its happening “right now” in front of our eyes. This is not to take away the excitement of film viewing, but to make ourselves more aware of the facts about this omnipresent medium.

We are all thinking beings and don’t consume each and everything fed to us. We are selective in our choice and like to watch or consume what gratifies us. But through research and reaction study it can be established what will provide gratification to a larger mass and hence manufactured. So understanding cinema as a reel world and not real world becomes imperative.


deepali said…
amazing..... especially the humour in it... absolutely true in saying that films sell dreams... quite intersting and very much close to reality
Vivek Goyal said…
Man that was realllllyyyy impressive.
let me start from the begining.
the very first para- a killer.
next, what do films do? got a blunt answer-they make money, big money. killer again. about the aspect that they also reflect societal realities, i doubt they exactly do. in fact i find it true the other way round rather.
whenevr a film gets hit on the screen, we happen to realise that the culture from the film is being adopted by our society. for example, fornication was definitely a taboo in indian society and those practising were only looked down upon. then came the films like 'life in a metro', 'kabhi alvida na..' etc. and people started excepting this very nonchalantly. somewhere down the lane we can hear a father-daughter talk:
father: where's your mother?
girl: she's out for the night, probably an old friend of her's.
father: oh! don't you have a friend to go to sweety, coz i am also expecting a friend tonight.
and ironically WE pay the film maker to bring all this unto us.

what else films do??
truly they sell dreams. there's no denying on any of the lines supporting this in your article. we surely aspire for a six pack abs, though we land in one big pack not even trying to actually have any of the two. and so we settle for a six pack abs on screen. man, the actresses have immaculate skin. why would then we settle for someone less than that. and so we end up being single off the screen.
next comes the concept of givivng an additional dimension to make a 2D film give the perception of a 3D one. kudos to you for the wonderful materialisation. as i read till "there are two techniques for achieving this..." i started kind of expecting a philosophical thing coming up.
so all this makes your blog a really thoughtful and wonderful one to read and comment on. nice piece of work director vishal kohli :)
Yachna said…
Superb. Loved it. Written with a very nice perspective. Films do take us into a different world all together. They make us laugh, cry, giggle, gasp,wonder along with them. Such is the power of cinema. Well said.. "Films do sell dreams" :-)
Shradha said…
No one must have explained films in an interesting and still real and theoretical manner like this!!!
Apart from a director and a blogger, i think you can take lectures at film institute now!Haha!!
Hats off to your style and language you have used to explain FILMS and technological aspect in so comprehensive and friendly manner. The words could easily seep into anyone's head without a film studies' background.
Just Great!
You are no more a Wanna be phillim maker.. you are sureshot Gonnabe(Going to be)Phillim Maker.
All The Best.
Saumil Rampal said…
Really nicely written. I have personally tested this theory. I watched all the lord of the rings movies before i read the actual book. This made the book much more vivd in my mind than if i had not seen the movies. It is all about making you believe.

Unknown said…
Long but infoooooooormative...for the people aoutsid SIMC, the use of !@#$ language from the one who tries to resist from it himself and THREATENS others beside him lest they use it(even by mistake) is kinda offensive to me...cut it out write well...stick to it...great job with this one
Sumedha said…
Media is an important medium to construct our opinions about the existing social behaviours in society...........The films not only sell dreams, but also connect to our deeper emotions and take us to a world where we can enjoy being human :) In this materialistic world, we are so much engulfed into our routinely engagements that we hardly get any time to be human! to live our emotions, to be human, films help one and all :)and hats off to the film makers :) to one and all, all have something to say, to show and to make us realise..... imagination and reality are not far apart........
Unknown said…
Oh my god!!! did u actually write the entire piece yourself?? unbelievably good...not many film makers wud give such a true perspective...beautifully written n fact the critic in me cant find much 2 say but i will find sumthin...gr8 goin champ!
More than research, empathizing with the topic is important for writing a piece like this. I got that hinge to the core in this well-written post. Keep it up. All the best.
Anonymous said…
wonderfully executed....!!.....yes very much true but would like to mention Dibakar banerjee,s "vishesh tippani" on BIG CARS, BIG BUNGALOWS etc .people are not ready to get out of what is called as big B**Bs philosophy,they want everything BIG.People should enjoy pureness of content and choose wisely what to consume and what not to ....its very hard to ignore all those tantalizing hindi masala films but lets not spoil our appetite................keep blogging buddy.
Vishal Kohli said…
thanxx guys .. I really appreciate you all reading it and putting ur viewpoint, spending ur valuable time on this blog..
Sumit Sinha said…
I agree that films do sell dreams but dont u think that the viewers want the director to shoot films in that way.
For general audience, its a three- hour space and time when they actually weave their dreams and I can also say there have been people who got inspired by films and did exceedingly well in their films.
The camera is in the hands of the director but I am sure he/ she is aware of viewer's choice at the end of the day.
Writing style, good but keep it short next time.
PrAgAtI said…
is there some kinnda variety that you intend to show us ?.. i mean if you can think of putting such varied subjects on your blog... i am already excited to watch your films!!!!

what you say hits the bird in the eye!!! you remember the time yashraj movies use to show homes bigger than Taj's of the world... and we actually beleived tht this happens.... we actually belived when SRK whistled and Madhuri remembered that tune during the
later half of the film...
We actually thought tht Srk and Kajol were a couple!!!

these films gave us lifestlyles.. culture ... identity ... sense of commoness .. sense of belonging...

Can all of us imagine how difficult it would be to strike a conversation on OUR dinner tables!!!


and double thumbs up for YOU!!!!
Vishal Kohli said…
For all those who are finding my blogs long .. I need to do just to the subjects .. anyways then next one is going to be a photo blog .. so u can relax .. all those who dont mind read 2 full A4 pages of writing can write nice or bad things about the photos ..
jolie said…
faboulous...rightly said...and films not only sell dreams dey sell hope too...a silly hope dat a drop dead gorgeous wud fall for a plain jane or any such...and though filmakers and films are changing they still tend to fall for the cliched...i dunno abt u but dat was the only reason i cud giv to explain wake up sid 's climax...happy bikta hai woh banta hai as u said..and we love such endings...dont we

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