I Wish

How I wish I could Fly,

How I wish things would never Die.

How I wish the world would never Cry,

How I wish some moments would never Pass-by.

Just a few things that came to my mind. Hope you Enjoyed my photography. I had been wanting to do a photo-blog for a long time now.

Good Night and Good Luck


Good one buddy. The message in it was loud and clear. But on a critical angle, I think, it was done in a haste. Is not it? I think, you are capable of delivering better products.
Sakshi Mathur said…
Well Vishal Kohli happens to be a guy....who will get whatever he wants...be is small bee to pose for him...or break the law with in flight photography!

good job with the pictures man!
Saumil Rampal said…
The 1st and 4th are the ones that deserve a special mention.
Vivek Goyal said…
is it the natural self or is it the attire,
everything is either beyond my imagination or i landed up in mire.
jolie said…
nicely put...first and second pic rock....abt d other two..i have seen all so i guess u hav better in ur collection....waitin fr more such poetic and photographic musings...
Unknown said…
Beautiful pictures... so crisp and clear... !!
& nice poetry.. It really reaches out or I should say seeps in :)

How I wish for what lies beneath these clouds,
How I wish- a long drive and we sing out loud;
How I wish to let go the real;
How I wish for times so surreal!! ;)
Vishal Kohli said…
@ Sunayan: U caught me, i did do it in a haste :-)

@ Vivek: U should really try wat we were once dicussing

@ Sanju: Thanxx .. i was trying to find some balance in photography and words

@ Yachna: U sure are a better poet than me .. joking .. i just wrote a few line .. will definitely try ..
Shradha said…
Hey nice!! Loved the 4th 0ne...

ya u surely have more good ones in ur collection i feel..
but d best thing is ur stamp of ownership on these pics.. "Vishal

All The Best....
deepali said…
I give the best rating to the 2nd pic... as far as the poem is concerned its a gud effort n I wud like 2 c many mre 4m ur side
Yachna said…
@Vishal: hehe... you or rather ur poetry became inspiration for mine :-)
And trust me..It's just so weird and naaaice to see the poet in you.. you've definitely gone a long way from the Vishal I got to know 6 years back...for better obviously. Good luck dear..Wish you get all you want from life :-)
Vivek Goyal said…
i don't know if it works but if it does i am sure it does only around you :) everything inspirational needs inpiration for its conception itself. i guess that's the only reason. stay tuned...
Amit said…
nice pics man!!!!
T K KOHLI said…
Man gets its ambition to fly from nature.Nature's designs for flying birds & insects are the most efficient.Man wants to evolve designs of flying machines having flapping wings.Add one more photograph of efficient bird flying & then the theme becomes more refined.
Good Photographs
monja said…
1st ones good BTW which camera did you use .........?
monja said…
Well never thought artificial things like planes could have beauty in them
Unknown said…
Caught one's intrinsic fears and that rare combination of endless imaginations quite beautifully....great going bud...hope to see some new ones soon.........
Unknown said…
photos are mind blowing... but you know as they there is always a scope of improvement i know you got that zeal and passion in you which can turn coal into diamond... great work and keep it up ... sorry for late comment though....you are the man.

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